Avoid the dangerous obstacles in Banana Joe Triple Jump or you will explode and the game will be over! Key Features: - Insanely simple and addictive game - Endless gameplay that never gets old - Beat your high scores How to play:Playing Colorful Triple Jump is simple.1) Just tap the screen and make up to three jumps before touching the ground again.2) Avoid the dangerous obstacles or your character will explode and the game will be over! How far can you go? ;)
This game is placed in the category Arcade Games and is be a part of Animal Games and Clicker Games It is a 3D game with medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We (www.24hfreegames.com) have published Banana Joe Triple Jump on 30 June 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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