Let you suprised by Cat Chef and Broccoli! In this great game, the cute broccoli needs to escape from the chef cat. Help the broccoli to reach the fridge while the sweet chef cat chases the cute broccoli. broccoli be careful cookies are not your friend they are the enemy. There are obstacles on your way, be careful with obstacles such as salt shakers and graters.
This game is placed in the category Arcade Games and is be a part of Animal Games and Cat Games. It is a 2D game medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We (www.24hfreegames.com) have published Cat Chef and Broccoli on 30 June 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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this games alright
seriously whats with the G jokes?
mildly entertaining
Overlooking the graphics, The Game is Pretty Good