Remember this classic from 1999? Now it's your change to play it again, But this time for free! Crash Team Racing features 5 racing modes: Adventure, Time Trial, Arcade, Versus and Battle.The objective of the Adventure Mode is to save the world from Nitros Oxide by winning races on 16 different tracks. Can you beating all the levels?! Have Fun!
This game is placed in the category Arcade and is be a part of Classic Games and Car Games. It is a 3D game with medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We ( have published Crash Team Racing on 25 Sep 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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woooooooow COoOoOoOLlLlL
who in there right mind would listen to that
so cool and fun LOVE it 🙂 plz try it out
Its pretty FUN i don’t know about you people LOL:)