About McDonald's Video Game
McDonald's Video Game is an online game developed by Italian company, Molleindustria. The game is a satirical take on the fast food industry, with players taking on the role of a manager responsible for running a McDonald's restaurant.
The game is set up as a simulation, with players managing various aspects of the restaurant's operations, including farming, slaughterhouses, restaurants, and marketing. The goal of the game is to maximize profits while minimizing negative impacts on the environment, animal welfare, and public health.
Players must make decisions about various aspects of the restaurant, including sourcing ingredients, setting menu prices, managing staff, and dealing with the media. They must also navigate challenges such as protests, health scares, and lawsuits.
The game highlights the negative impact that the fast food industry can have on the environment, animal welfare, and public health. It encourages players to think critically about the choices they make as consumers and the impact that those choices have on the world around them.
McDonald's Video Game was released in 2006 and gained widespread attention for its unique premise and thought-provoking content. While it is a fictional game, it raises important issues about the fast food industry and encourages players to consider the real-world impact of their actions.
This game is placed in the category Strategy Games and is be a part of Management Games and Fun Games. It is a 2D game with medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We (www.24hfreegames.com) have publish McDonald's Video Game on 22 Sep 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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Finally found the McDonald’s game, i was looking for years for this