About Scary Scavenger Hunt 2
Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 is an online point-and-click adventure game with a horror theme. The game is the sequel to Scary Scavenger Hunt and was developed by the game studio, Mouse City.
The game follows the story of a boy named Garfield who goes missing in a town full of supernatural creatures, including ghosts, vampires, and werewolves. The player takes on the role of a detective investigating Garfield's disappearance and must explore various locations in the town, solve puzzles, and collect items to progress through the game.
The game is played using the mouse, and the player needs to click on various objects and locations to interact with them. The game features a map that shows the player the available locations to visit and where they need to go next to advance the story.
The game includes various puzzles that require the player to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to solve. For example, the player may need to find a hidden key to unlock a door, combine different items to create a tool, or use objects in the environment to distract or defeat supernatural creatures.
The graphics and sound design in Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 are excellent and contribute to the overall spooky atmosphere of the game. The environments and characters are detailed and well-designed, and the sound effects and music help to build tension and suspense.
Overall, Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 is an engaging and challenging game for fans of horror and adventure games. The game is recommended for those who enjoyed the first Scary Scavenger Hunt game or other point-and-click adventure games with a horror theme.
This game is placed in the category Arcade Games and is be a part of Classic Games and Horror Games. It is a 2D game with medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We (www.24hfreegames.com) have published Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 on 1 Oct 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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this is really a good game
wow it’s funny good not bad i love it
Star GO
whas a BETTER game