In Kim Possible A Sitch in Time 1, the first time period in the game, the player takes control of Kim Possible as she navigates through her high school in the present day. The main objective in this time period is to stop the evil villain, Shego, from stealing a time travel device from Kim's friend, Wade.
The gameplay in the present day time period involves navigating through various locations, including the Middleton High School and the Middleton Mall, to collect different items and interact with different characters. The player must also engage in combat with Shego and her minions, using Kim Possible's acrobatic and martial arts skills to defeat them.
As the player progresses through the game, they can unlock new abilities and upgrades for Kim Possible, including new gadgets and fighting moves, to help her overcome the challenges she faces in the present day time period. The game also features mini-games and puzzles that the player must solve to progress through the story.
Overall, the present day time period in Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time is a fun and engaging introduction to the game, setting the stage for the adventures that follow in the future and past time periods. The game captures the spirit of the beloved animated series, and fans of the show are sure to enjoy playing as their favorite hero, Kim Possible, as she fights to save the day once again.
This game is placed in the category Adventure Games and is be a part of Classic Games and Flash Games. It is a 2D game with medium graphics and it's capable for your PC on. We ( have published Kim Possible A Sitch in Time 1 on 6 Oct 2022. Let others know what you think of this game by rating it above and / or give it a honest feedback in the comments.
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I used to play this game like 6 times a day when I was a kid
I was obsessed with this game as a child
straight up childhood gameee
Good old classic game